The Altruist Glossary

This resource was designed to provide clarity and understanding of the terms frequently used to describe the Altruist Platform. 


  • Administrative User - a person who has elevated privileges within the Altruist platform. They have  the authority to modify settings, view reports, manage user accounts, and perform other administrative tasks.
  • Altruist Give -a feature within the Altruist platform that facilitates charitable giving and donations. It allows volunteers, donors, or supporters to contribute funds directly to the organization and their cause. 

  • Altruist Manager - used to describe the administrative side of the Altruist platform. This is where admins will login to manage events and approve volunteers for shifts. 

  • Altruist Volunteer Profile - a personalized account for each registered volunteer within the Altruist platform. It contains relevant information about the volunteer, such as contact details, past volunteer activities. It's crucial in tracking the volunteer's volunteer history and simplifies the registration process for future events.

  • Event - represents a specific volunteer opportunity or activity hosted by the organization. It could be a one-time event, an ongoing program, or a series of related activities. Each event is associated with specific details like location, date, time, required number of volunteers, and any special requirements.

  • Event Coordinator - an individual responsible for planning, organizing, and overseeing the execution of a particular event. You can assign this individual the to the event in Altruist so that volunteers may easily contact them with any questions. 

  • Event Webpage - a dedicated web page created within Altruist for a specific event. It provides comprehensive information about the event, including its purpose, date, time, location, and any special instructions. Volunteers can access this page to learn more about the event and sign up to participate.

  • External Site - Refers to embeddable elements such as the Event Viewer and Opportunities Viewer provided by Altruist that can be placed into the organization's website. 

  • Global Settings - centralized configurations and preferences within the Altruist platform that apply to the entire system. These settings typically control default behaviors, brand settings, and other important parameters affecting the platform's functionality.

  • Groups - refers to collections of volunteers who are associated for a particular purpose, project, or organization. They can be friends, corporate groups, or any other groups that collaborate on volunteering activities together.

  • Group Code - a code that is established after a Group is created. Group leaders can share this code with prospective members to join. 

  • Landing Page - a page where all of your open volunteer events and shifts for your organization are promoted on one page. It's optimized to engage the viewer to browse and select the type of volunteer opportunity that matches their interests and schedule.

  • Locations - physical places where events and volunteer activities take place. The platform allows event coordinators to save  locations frequently used for events to save time when adding new shifts opportunities. 

  • Pending Requests - after a volunteer has requested to work a shift, their request is sent to the organization's admin for approval. Until approved, this action is considered a pending request. 

  • Private Event - an event that will not appear on the primary landing page. Admins can share the event webpage with a specific group of people instead of making it publicly available. 

  • Profile - each Altruist user can update their profile which contains their image, address, email address, phone number, and preferred contact method. 

  • Organization - used to refer to the non-profit or company using Altruist services. 

  • Shifts - represent specific time slots within an event when volunteers are requested to participate. Events with multiple shifts allow volunteers to choose the time slot that best suits their availability and preferences.