v1.8 Release Notes - June 13th, 2023

New Features and Updates for the Altruist Manager and website.

Altruist Manager

  • Admin Users can now assign multiple Volunteer Groups and/or Individual Volunteers to the same shift
  • Updated all date inputs throughout the application to show a calendar view when selecting a date. Users can also manually enter a date if they choose to
  • The notification bell icon has been relocated to the top right of the screen

Event Coordinator Update

We have streamlined how Event Coordinators are added to an Event. All you need to add an Event Coordinator is their First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.

Altruist will automatically lookup to see if an account exists.

  • If an account exists - The Event Coordinator’s details are automatically
    displayed according to their profile
  • If an account does not exist - Altruist will create a temporary account to
    display for the time being, and the information will get updated once the Event Coordinator creates their Altruist account
  • When assigning an event coordinator to an Event, they will receive an email that
    they have been added as a coordinator
    Youve been added as a Event Coordinator!

Note: Once an Event Coordinator is assigned, the only editable field is the ‘Coordinator
Details’ - the Event Coordinator can update their user profile to make any
necessary changes.

Altruist Public Website

Volunteer Groups can easily add a volunteer to their group,  all they need is the volunteer’s:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address

Note: The system will automatically look up to see if that account exists, if it does not, Altruist will create a temporary account to display for the time being while the Volunteer creates their Altruist Volunteer Profile.


If an Event has a required waiver, the waiver link will now show up in various places:

  • In a volunteer’s ‘My Events’ dialog
  • On the Event webpage under the location - users will need to click on ‘View Shifts’
  • Within the body of the the ‘Shift Request - Approved’ automated email

View waiver