v1.14 Release Notes - Sept 19th, 2023

New Features and Updates for the Altruist Manager.

Altruist Manager

SMS Notifications 

  • Volunteers will receive informative SMS notifications about their account and volunteerism Example: When a volunteer’s Shift request was approved by the Event Coordinator, they can receive an SMS about the approval.


New Shift & Locations Interface

  • We've Enhanced the user interface of the Shifts & Locations screen to provide a more enjoyable and user-friendly experience. This upgrade aims to simplify the management of multiple Shifts for the Event Coordinator.

    Shifts Update
  • Under the Shifts tab in the top navigation menu, a new view provides a calendar highlighting dates with events and shifts. Toggle locations on or off to see shift details for all events, or just specific locations.
  • Create a new shift by clicking on the yellow New Shift button in the top right corner. 
  • View approved volunteers and groups under the Shift Details. You may manually add or remove volunteers here as needed.