v1.10 Release Notes - July 11th, 2023

New Features and Updates for the Altruist Manager and website.

Altruist Manager

  • Updated the Events page to have the date range for that specific Event to show the next
    upcoming date to the last scheduled Event

Updated Dates 1
Updated Dates

  • Under the left navigational menu, clicking on External Site will now show a live preview of your events from within Altruist Manager for both the Event Viewer and Upcoming Opportunities.

    External Site-1
  • The Event Viewer embed will now also display the next upcoming shift for that Event

    Next Shift Info

Check-In & Check-Out Updates:

  • If a volunteer was checked-in AND checked-out, undoing their check-in also
    removes their ‘checked-out’ status
  • If an Admin User is checking in/out all volunteers, the ‘Enter Check-In/Out Time’
    dialog will pop up to ensure the time is accurate

Altruist Public Website

Volunteers will now see two new labels next to Shifts if:

  • They are awaiting approval, they will see a Requested label
  • They are already approved for a Shift, they will see an Approved label


Bug Fixes

Altruist Manager
Fixed an issue where Shifts were not displaying properly on the Event webpage if the
“Sign Up Window” was enabled for that Event