How to share your giving page

Share your direct link with donors via social media or email to get the word out quickly.

In today's digital age, an online presence is essential for rallying your community and generating support for your cause. By employing best practices, you can raise awareness, encourage engagement, and inspire individuals to make a meaningful donation through your Altruist Give Giving page.

In this guide, we will explore actionable strategies to help you share your online donation page with your community, empowering them to contribute to your cause and create lasting change.

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Leverage Social Media Platforms:

Harness the power of social media to reach a wide audience. Create compelling posts that highlight your cause and the impact of donations. Share engaging content, such as stories, images, and videos, to connect emotionally with your community. Include a direct link to your donation page and encourage followers to share the post, spreading the word to their networks.

Craft a Clear and Engaging Call-to-Action (CTA):

When sharing your donation page, create a clear and compelling call-to-action. Use action-oriented language that inspires your community to take immediate steps to support your cause. For example, "Make a Difference Today," "Donate Now," or "Join us in Changing Lives." Place the CTA prominently in your posts to grab attention and make it easy for people to contribute.

Personalize Your Message:

Tailor your message to resonate with different segments of your community. Consider creating personalized content for different demographics or interests. Use storytelling techniques to create an emotional connection and convey the significance of their contributions. By speaking directly to their values and motivations, you can inspire individuals to donate and share your donation page with others.

Collaborate with Influencers and Partners:

Identify influencers, community leaders, or organizations that align with your cause and have a strong following. Partner with them to promote your donation page on their social media platforms or websites. Their endorsement can enhance credibility and expand your reach. Consider offering them special mentions or recognition to encourage their active involvement.

Engage in Email Marketing:

Utilize your email list to inform and engage your community about your donation page. Send personalized emails that clearly explain your cause and the impact of donations. Highlight success stories or testimonials to demonstrate how previous donations have made a difference. Include a direct and prominent call-to-action button that links directly to your donation page.

Thank Your Donors:

Take the time to express sincere appreciation to your donors for their contributions. Send personalized thank-you messages via email or social media platforms. Acknowledge their generosity and highlight the impact their donations have made. Consider mentioning specific projects or initiatives that their support has helped to advance.

Showcase Impact Stories:

Share compelling stories that demonstrate the tangible impact of donations. Highlight specific individuals or communities who have benefited from the funds raised. Use testimonials, images, or videos to provide a glimpse into the positive change brought about by your community's support. Regularly update your community on the progress and outcomes of your initiatives.

Provide Transparency:

Maintain transparency by sharing financial updates and demonstrating how donations are being utilized. Show how funds are allocated to different aspects of your cause, such as program development, community outreach, or infrastructure improvements. Use infographics or reports to visually represent the allocation and impact of funds, ensuring your community feels confident in their contributions.

Send Regular Newsletters:

Keep your community engaged and informed by sending regular newsletters. Provide updates on ongoing projects, upcoming initiatives, and events related to your cause. Include success stories, milestones achieved, and future goals. Embed your donation page link within the newsletters, making it easy for recipients to contribute and support your cause.

Share Milestones and Goals:

Set specific milestones and goals for your fundraising efforts and share them with your community. Celebrate reaching significant milestones, such as fundraising targets or project completions, and share the credit with your community for making it possible. Clearly communicate the next steps and future goals to keep your community invested in your cause's progress.


Remember, expressing gratitude and providing updates is an ongoing process. Consistently communicate with your community, ensuring they understand the impact of their support and inspiring them to continue contributing to your cause. By nurturing a culture of appreciation and transparency, you can foster long-lasting relationships with your community members and cultivate a shared commitment to making a difference.